About Us

Founded in 1977, THE BROOKHILL GROUP is a national real estate owner and provider of property and asset management services to it's clients. Our success results from aggressively applying experienced real estate management skills to increase property values. Brookhill is well capitalized and has strong relationships with major financial institutions, which enables us to quickly fund our acquisitions and redevelopment projects. Brookhill has owned and successfully operated real estate in twenty-two states with an aggregate value of in excess of three quarters of a billion dollars.

Our expertise enables us to identify "diamonds in the rough" that have significant value added potential. Brookhill has one of the strongest management teams in the industry, which enables us to maximize the value of a property.

Whether a shopping center, industrial or office building, mortgage debt or undeveloped land, Brookhill employs a variety of proven techniques to maximize financial performance. Brookhill properties are very attractive to anchor tenants as well as smaller users. By constantly upgrading appearance and tenant mix, Brookhill properties continue to maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. An experienced leasing staff and in-house legal department allows Brookhill to respond quickly to a new tenant's needs and conclude negotiations. Once a lease is finalized, Brookhill's Construction and Design Group rapidly implement a project's redevelopment program, minimizing time and cost.

Brookhill also has earned a special niche as the nation's leading "brownfields" redeveloper. Brookhill has the in-house expertise to quantify the nature and cost of a property's remediation, implement cleanup, and coordinate this work with the project's redevelopment. We provide appropriate indemnification, using environmental insurance policies to mitigate a property's potential risk prior to restoring it to beneficial use. As a leader in the industry since 1991, Brookhill has acquired, remediated, and redeveloped environmentally impacted assets throughout the United States.

Through it's Property and Asset Management Group, Brookhill also assists institutional property owners by managing and leasing their assets. Over the years, Brookhill has managed properties for a diverse clientele, including banking institutions, F.D.I.C. servicing agents, court appointed Trustees and Receivers, as well as investment partnerships.